American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
alana nakamuraa
one year ago

My breast implants look way too natural!! Why?

Why the shape doesnt look round? My breast goes to the side, and I dont even look like I have an implant. Will this change? I got the implant 1 month ago it was under the muscle, and gummy bear! I was expecting a completely different shape! (Like the result of the last picture for example)

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: miami, FL

Replies 4

Samir Shureih

The art of cosmetic surgery is to achieve a result that looks natural and not fake.

Your surgeon did very well and you have a very good result.

The wish pictures you posted are much larger implants and look as an augmented breast.

If that is your wish then you need a much bigger implant.

You should not judge on implants one month after surgery. Wait at least six months the if you want the "fake" augmented look then talk with your plastic surgeon about changing the implants to look as an augmented breast.

You will need to pay for the surgery in full.

Richard Bosshardt
ASPS Surgeon

There is no right or perfect breast shape or size. It is in the eyes of the beholder. If you are unhappy, go back to your surgeon (who I feel did an excellent job) and talk to them. Remember that the enemy of good is better. You have a lovely result. Redoing it poses the risk of ruining what you have.

Brian Dorner
ASPS Surgeon

Going above the muscle would have helped achieve a more augmented look and a larger implant to fill the space.

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thanks for your question. The result depends on the discussion you had with your surgeon pre operatively. There are multiple right answers and the operation is tailored to your individual needs.

If you discussed with your surgeon that you want a smaller implant and have a more "natural and unaugmented look, perhaps that is why a smaller implant is used.

Should you desire the look closer to what you posted, you would benefit from a revision surgery to remove the current implant and use and implant that has a wider base diameter and a higher profile or projection. This would most likely get you a result that has an obvious augmented look.


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