American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

How to find information on my implants?

I had a breast augmentation in 2009 and since then the surgeon that performed my procedure has passed away. I no longer have any of the information on my implants. Is there a way I can find out what type of implant (Brand Name) I received and the serial number linked to them. I know they were saline and I know the doctor and the office he worked at if any of that is needed. Thank you in advance.

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: Hayden, AL

Replies 3

Armando Donati
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Hello! The best way to find out this information is by asking for the records of your surgical intervention at the center where you did it. Simple as that.

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Kenneth Francis
ASPS Surgeon

Dear Shiena,

With all due respect to the other responder, it is not as simple as that. In NY medical records are required to be kept for 7 years only. Each state differs slightly. Your best bet would be to contact the customer service departments of the 4 main manufacturers in this country, Allergan, Mentor, Ideal and Sientra to see if they have any record of your implants. Good luck!

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

If every thing is ok and you like the way it looks then there is probably no reason for R&R. If there is a rupture or leakage then you probably need R&R. It will make little difference knowing what kind of implant you had. It was probably a Mentor or a Natrelle. The doctor is required to keep records for seven years but it has been longer than that. You should have been given copies of the implant records at the time of the surgery I am sure. If you had this done at a hospital or large surgery center you may or not be able to retrieve your records. What you may get from the implant manufacturer would be a new set of saline implants that cost about $800. If you had a textured saline implant this may make a difference but if no problems you probably need close follow up only. Most patients in your situation would choose to have the replacement with silicone gel as they are better implants with less possible problems, my opinion. Consult with a local ABPS certified or eligible surgeon.


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