Thanks for quote question. 4 weeks is way to early to determine. Continue to follow up with your surgeon. It usually takes months for inflammation to resolve
Are you using a pressure garment ? If not do it. 4 weeks is no time to assess the progress of inflammation after an operation. Wait for at least 6 months. Skin has a remarkable property to adjust. Any change of temperature affects the muscle contraction within nipple areolar complex. in all males. When you look from top you are likely to feel it projected which is not actually so. People with gynecomastia are very apprehensive of even normal projection of nipple. Your photo before shower looks OK. So W A I T.
From the looks of the pictures you seem to have an excellent result from your gynecomastia surgery. There is always some asymmetry in everybody before and after surgery and this is normal. The difference before and after showering is from the little muscles under the nipple and areola due to temperature changes. You do not appear to have a huge difference. It is way too early to worry about this and probably with time will get better. After 6 months or so if it is still a problem your surgeon may want to do a little revision under local anesthesia if they think it is a real problem and they think that it would help. Meanwhile follow the instructions of your surgeon and no one else unless you are wanting to change surgeons.
From the looks of the pictures you seem to have an excellent result from your gynecomastia surgery. It is way too early to worry about this and probably with time will get better.Please wait until 6-8 months for the real result with full healing process.