American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Nessa NC
11 months ago

Challenging case

I had childhood dermatomyositis, a muscle wasting disease. Had butt implants done because of severe coccyx and butt pain. They were good for a long while but now I am having severe pain in both, left side worse. I have no clue who to go to in NC or anywhere else in the US that is comfortable seeing me. I have been turned away by many practices here in NC. Appreciate any help/advice. Thank you

Procedure: Buttock Implants
Location: Wake Forest, NC

Replies 3

Samir Shureih

Dermatomyositis may have multiple muscle problems, and calcium deposits in the skin.

Going to major medical center to see a plastic surgeon for removal of implants if the cause of the pain is the buttock implants .

Kenneth Francis
ASPS Surgeon

Dear Nessa,

There are many plastic surgeons that would remove your buttock implants. Keep searching. Removal is not the concern. Insertion is.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

I don't know how buttock implants help with buttock pain. It is possible that you may have the pain due to the implants but you may still have it after removal. You should se an ABPS certified or eligible surgeon close to home for a consultation to see about removal. If they do not do this then they may be able to refer you to someone that will.


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