American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Paula Magana
one year ago

What’s more suitable?

I want to know what surgery is preferable for my type of body. I’m 15 year old female I’ve gotten the okay my parents and I have the resources, I’ve always struggled with my weight and I’ve tried just about everything so

Surgery is a last resort and I want to know if a gastric bypass or 360 liposuction is preferred for a body type like mine

Procedure: Liposuction
Location: Houston, TX

Replies 4

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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Liposuction is not a weight loss technique. Please talk with your pediatrician about a consultation with a dietician and a gym membership. In your photographs you do not appear so overweight as to warrant Bariatric Surgery.

Han Hoang
ASPS Surgeon

Paula, liposuction is a body contouring procedure and not a weight loss procedure. Talk to your pediatrician regarding weight loss options. One of the hottest trends (and also a very safe method) in medical weight loss treatments right now is a medication called semigluthide (Tradename Ozempic or Wegovy). Best of luck with your journey!

Brian Dorner
ASPS Surgeon

You should speak to your pediatrician about Wegovy. It is a new drug that helps curb hunger and many people have had successful weight loss with this method. This may be a good option based upon your pediatrician's evaluation.

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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From your age the best options for weight loss are diet control, exercise and medication. You should talk to your pediatrician regarding weight loss medication name semigluthide or Ozempic.


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