American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago


I read that eyelid surgery has a risk of permanent blindness. Is this true for upper eyelid surgery? How about upper eyelid laser surgery?

Procedure: Eyelid Surgery
Location: Middletown, CA

Replies 3

Shana Kalaria
ASPS Surgeon

Yes technically there is a risk of aggressive fat is removed, but most surgeons remove little to no fat. This is mainly a skin procedure. ALL potential complications are listed on the consent form even if they are improbable. The risk of blindness is very very low for upper blepharoplasty and should not deter you from this surgery. Please visit with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Good luck!

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Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Yes, it could happen but it is extremely rare. It would usually happen in a patient with some kind of blood disorder with high blood pressure not controlled when some of the herniated fat is removed. It is listed as a possible complication in every op consent because we always try to list everything possible. I would venture to say that most plastic surgeons have never had this happen in their experience of know of some other surgeon that had the problem. If I had the surgery myself this would be the very least of my concerns. Forget about the eyelid laser surgery. The upper bleph is simple enough as it is. Visit a local ABPS certified or eligible surgeon close to your home for a consultation and full explanation.

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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The risk of blindness is very very low for upper blepharoplasty. Upper eyelid surgery has a lot of minimal invasive technique please go for physical examination fot the best treatment option for you.


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