American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

Low cost breast augmentation?

Hi, I know this has probably been asked a million times. My left breast is an A cup, right is a C cup. It’s been like this since puberty, and has been absolutely detrimental to my mental health. I’m currently going through tough financial situations also due to my mental health and I’m just wondering if there were programs or literally anything that could help me. (23 F)

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: waterbury, CT

Replies 4

Tracy McCall
ASPS Surgeon

It is possible that you may get insurance coverage. Possible but not probable. You should be able to find a plastic surgery residency program near you. Prices are usually a little cheaper there. The quality is fine. The residents are overseen by professors of plastic surgery. Call a couple of programs to look at the price.

Raffy Karamanoukian
ASPS Surgeon

The goal would be to establish symmetry of the breasts with expansion of the smaller breast by expanding breast volume and contour. We would accomplish this with a breast implant, fat transfer, and surgical release of constricted breast parenchyma.


Dr. Karamanoukian

Los Angeles

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Most likely it is not just using an implant. Either one or both breasts will probably need some other kind of procedure as well. This is cosmetic surgery and it is not covered by any kind of insurance. Plastic surgery is not cheap and cheap surgery is not good. If there is a residency program close to you, you may be able to have it done with very good quality at a much reduced charge. Make an appointment to their plastic surgery clinic and see.

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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This is cosmetic surgery and it is not covered by any kind of insurance.But can consider to do plastic surgery oversea country that maybe cheaper than your local country.


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