American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one year ago

How small can a breast reduction go?

I have a DD chest and am heavily considering breast reduction surgery. How small can it make my chest? I don’t care about them looking proportional to the rest of my body, just as small as possible. Also, are there any more health risks than normal if I were to do this? Thank you!

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: Orlando, FL

Replies 5

Samir Shureih

There are several procedures that can be done for reduction mammoplasty. As for the size you wish, that has to be discussed with a Board Certified Plastic surgeon. Then the procedure and size can be discussed. Surgery is based on patient evaluation , the desired outcome and suitability for surgery.

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thanks for your question.

This is a hard question to answer without an evaluation person. Please meet with a board certified plastic surgeon in order to figure what would be the best procedure for you

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thanks for your question.

This is a hard question to answer without an evaluation person. Please meet with a board certified plastic surgeon in order to figure what would be the best procedure for you

Shana Kalaria
ASPS Surgeon

An A cup on some patients. Since you are a DD I would recommend no smaller than a B cup. There are not more health benefits to going smaller, but it may not be possible based on your measurements. I suggest you meet in person with a board certified plastic surgeon. Good luck!

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Breast reduction surgery can make your breast smaller for sure but for the size you need to consult with your surgeon in person for discussed about the treatment plan.


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