American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
11 months ago

How many people come for counseling?

Hello, I would like to have a rhinoplasty and I have already gone for a consultation several times and it feels very strange to go again. I would like to know how many people come for a consultation a year and do not continue with the surgery procedure so that I feel that I am in a good place and I do not have a personal problem with myself

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: tel aviv, BC

Replies 5

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

You continue to go for consultations until you and your surgeons both are comfortable with performing the surgery on you. It may take one time or several. Seems you have been for several consultations and you are still not comfortable. In that case I recommend you do not have any surgery done on you.

Caleb Steffen
ASPS Surgeon
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One of my first rules is that I will not do surgery on people who don't want it. If in doubt, don't have surgery. Rhinoplasty is a big surgery and very rewarding for my patients who have it. But you need to be up for the recovery and accepting of the risks of surgery. Take your time and make sure you are pursuing this for the right reasons.

Cagdas Orman
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Deciding on surgery can sometimes take a long time. The important thing here is that you feel ready. There are people who decided to undergo surgery after the consultation I had 3-5 years ago. you are not alone

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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You can go for consultation until you find your surgeon and comfortable for decided to undergoing for surgery. It's maybe take time no worry and good luck.


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