American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
10 months ago

Botched Breast lift? Revision needed?

I just had a breast lift 3 weeks ago, but my left breast has a deep crease now leaving a strange sack shape underneath it. My surgeon said it's caused by normal swelling and stitches that are going to dissolve, so the shape will look normal in a few weeks, but I'm no so sure. Will I have to get a revision surgery to achieve a natural shape? Or can this go away naturally like he said?

Procedure: Breast Lift
Location: atlanta, GA

Replies 7

Andrew Kornstein
ASPS Surgeon

Not sure what was done intraoperatively, however if it looked good SITTING UP on the OR table it should settle back to what was created surgically.

Depending on technique used breasts can certainly go through awkward healing stages in the LOWER POLE mostly.

Doing anything now is counterproductive

Give it 2-4 months and see if progress is evident



Samir Shureih

Need to know the exact procedure done. My PERSONAL OPINION is to stabilize the infra-mammary crease first. Possibly the breast tissue will drop down (Settle) and you will get a fair to good results. This will take 6-12 months. After that if there is no improvement then you need a revision.

Jose Luis Daza Flores
ASPS Int. Surgeon


O see a couple of details:

The pre op pictures show a mild ptosis and small mammary gland besides an asymmetry in size. It is very importan to know the desired result you were looking for in order to plan the appropriate procedure

You got a vertical mastopexy wich alway reduce the lower pole of breast. Some creases dissolve or get better after 6 to 8 weeks of the procedure but what I see is also an asymmetry in size and shape what will problably need a secondary procedure in future

Jose Luis Daza Flores
ASPS Int. Surgeon


O see a couple of details:

The pre op pictures show a mild ptosis and small mammary gland besides an asymmetry in size. It is very importan to know the desired result you were looking for in order to plan the appropriate procedure

You got a vertical mastopexy wich alway reduce the lower pole of breast. Some creases dissolve or get better after 6 to 8 weeks of the procedure but what I see is also an asymmetry in size and shape what will problably need a secondary procedure in future

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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3 weeks is way to early to determine fine results. I would wait 6 months and reassess

Best wishes

Kenneth Francis
ASPS Surgeon

Dear TayHarr,

Although your immediate, and very early result may not be the most appealing, it is just that right now...a very early result. Vertical breast lifts require a significant period of time for "settling" if you will. There will be many changes to your breasts over 6 months. You have chosen a surgeon, hopefully American Board of Plastic Surgery certified, to operate on your breasts based on his credentials and a trust you developed in him. Why would you not continue to have that trust? Listen to your surgeon. Healing will take at least 6 months. If at that time things have not evened out you might consider a minor revision surgery. Good luck!

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

It is way too early to start worrying about it. It will get better with a little time. Follow your surgeon's advice


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