American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
10 months ago

Second breast lift - horrible scars

Hi! had a breast lift 7 mos. ago. The scars were horrid and my nipples totally uneven. I went in for revision surgery 1 mo. ago, and also had some wound healing complications. The scars aren’t as bad as the first time but still prominent & my nipples are totally misplaced and uneven still.

How long do I have to wait to get scar/nipple revision? And can it be done under local ?

Thank you so much

Procedure: Breast Lift
Location: Nederland, TX

Replies 9

Samir Shureih

Pictures are needed and ore History of the surgery's is needed to give an educated pinion

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Raffy Karamanoukian
ASPS Surgeon

Nipple malposition and scarring can be addressed with objective revision techniques. I would opt for non-surgical lasers followed by any surgery, if necessary to reduce the asymmetry. There are definitely options available.


Dr. Karamanoukian

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Hi there! I will attach photos now.

As you’ll see the left nipple is still not centered (my nipples were not out of alignment before these surgeries so it’s new). The scars I’m optimistic will fade and heal. It’s the huge scar on the left nipple and the asymmetry I’m insecure about.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Could be wrong but looks as you had implants also and they are large. The scars depend on how the patient heals and everybody heals different. Looks like you had some suture spits around the areolas and this is something that some patients do no matter what. Changing the suture material may be of help. One breast is always a little different than the other as any part of the body when compared closely. You do not have much uneven and displaced nipples at all. Your skin lacks elasticity and the pressure from the implants causes the tissues to stretch. If you do not have implants they the problem may be caused by tightness in the closure. You will heal but the shape of the breasts will change some over the next few months. You should not have any more revisions for at least another year or so until all heals and matures completely. Lasers are of no help with this. Local anesthesia may or may not be indicated according to what needs to be done at that time.

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Baris Yigit

Photos are needed in order to ascertain your situation but as far as the revision goes; it can certainly be done under local anesthesia. However, any assessment as to whether or not it can be done in your case can only be made after seeing the scars and the position as well as the state of the nipples.

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Baris Yigit

Photos are needed in order to ascertain your situation but as far as the revision goes; it can certainly be done under local anesthesia. However, any assessment as to whether or not it can be done in your case can only be made after seeing the scars and the position as well as the state of the nipples.

Shana Kalaria
ASPS Surgeon

I would recommend another opinion from a board-certified plastic surgeon. You should wait a minimum of 6 months-1 year prior to another revision surgery. You would benefit from areola reduction and breast lift revision in order to fix the uneven size of the areolas and the uneven position, as well as the bottoming out. In my opinion you would benefit from a small breast reduction to prevent future bottoming out and to help with asymmetry. Best of luck!


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