American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 months ago

Uneven Areolas / too big Areola after reduction?

I had a reduction 1 year ago and I am very happy with the size, shape, nipple placement and scar healing. However, I am unhappy with one of my areolas (my right) as it is 5cm and my left is 4cm. It comes up higher and goes out further and it pokes out when wearing bikinis and some tops. We did not discuss Areola size before surgery as I barely had one before (pale). What do you think I should do?

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: wollongong, NT - Australia

Replies 2

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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Ask your plastic surgeon to reduce the larger areola. The nipple position may still be slightly different.

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Samir Shureih

You seem to be looking for perfection. There are no two breasts in any woman that are totally perfect.

Based on the pictures posted you have a very good result. There is some difference between the two areolas, however the last picture with the flowery bra the side you are complaining about seems that the bra is not completely fitting, there are pleats and wrinkles and that make the areola top show.

In my patient, I would advise to do nothing. You have a very good result

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