2 months ago I was attacked by a dog, I sustained a lip laceration that went through my mouth and scrapes to my cheek. I'm wondering what can be done in the future to return symmetry to my lower lip and also help lessen my overall scar appearance.
Since my wounds sealed up I've been consistently using Vaseline to massage my scars for 5-10 minutes every day and silicone sheets. Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm sorry to read about this. All scars have a maturity process that lasts 12-18 months. During this period of time, at the early months scars will be red, elevated and thick, this is normal. Is during this time, that massage and silicone strips will work best.
After those early months, the scar itself will remodel by itself, this is the normal healing process.
Eventually, some scars will be thick, wide and restrictive, those can be much improved with a surgical procedure called SCAR REVISION ( there are several options).
I will strongly recommend to be patient with this healing process and maybe you will have a great result just with what you are doing now.
I hope this helps you.
Looks like a good reconstructive procedure on the red lip. Borders are even. Your reconstructive surgeon did a great job. It is early for final healing and even to consider scar revision. I recommend that you wait 6 to 18 months. Color will even out more by then. Continue use of Silicone Sheets and Sunblock. If after this wait time you are unhappy with the scars, most can improve with a technique called a Z-plasty in order to re-direct the scars orientation and make them less evident, This can be done under local anesthesia when it is time.
Thank you for your question. I would need to examine you in-person to best answer your question. Today we have several ways to improve a scar's appearance. Some techniques are most effective when a scar is still fresh, such as pigment blocking creams to even out color, silicone gel to improve texture, and massage to break down the tissue. But we also have several options after a scar has fully formed. Steroids injected directly into the healed wound can help to shrink the tissue and microdermabrasion and lasers can improve the appearance of the scar. Fillers and your own fat can be injected into these areas to help improve contour. I recommend you meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon to explore your options in more detail.