American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago


Dear Dr,

I’ve had a facelift/neck liposuction 11 days ago. My jaw and checks still almost totally numb and my face is quite swollen, can’t make facial expressions. I can pucker but can’t smile and can barely open my mouth. I have difficulty eating. Not much improvement since the surgery.

Can you please tell me if I should be concerned with any of these symptoms? Thank you!

Procedure: Facelift

Replies 4

Gary Culbertson
ASPS Surgeon
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These are questions that are best answered by your facelift surgeon. Consider reaching out to them to address your concerns. Best,

Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS

Matthew Camp
ASPS Surgeon

Dear Polly50

This is not the usual course of recovery. Swelling and tightness is common, but prolonged numbness is not. I suggest you see your facelift surgeon.

Dr Camp

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. Based on the type of facelift performed, I would reach out to your surgeon to discuss your concerns and current symptoms.

Nirmal Nathan
ASPS Surgeon

Dear polly50,

Thank you for your question. Temporary numbness and tightness can be associated with a normal facelift recovery, but your surgeon should be guiding you and counseling you as to what is normal and what is not.

Good luck,

Nirmal R. Nathan, M.D.

Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery

Member, American Society of Plastic Surgeons


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