I have stretch marks which immediately turned white after having a child. I’m not sure why I never went through the stage of red stretch marks, but a lot of them appear white and even glisten or shiny and thick. I have researched treatments but I would like advice on what treatments may be best to smoothen the skin and fade as much as possible, though I know complete removal may not be possible
Stretch marks are an indication that there has been irreversible damage to the skin. There are things you could do such as radiofrequency, micro needling that may provide some benefit, but the results are usually underwhelming and not what most patients are looking for. The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to do an excisional procedure such as an Abdominoplasty ( tummy tuck) in the abdomen and mastopexy ( breast lift) in the breasts. be very very cautious of noninvasive and non-surgical treatments which caused a lot of money and overpromise results
The non invasive treatments with lasers etc. are not effective. A tummy tuck is usually the best solution
Beware of treatments for stretch marks. They do not work and you will spend a lot of money for nothing. If you have a lot of loose skin an abdominoplasty will remove the lower parts but you have to be a candidate for this. Visit a local plastic surgeon for an evaluation.