American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one month ago

Young Revision- Help

I’m 22 y/o, 130 lbs with 350&375 cc implants done ~1 yr ago.

My pockets have migrated into my armpits, my chest is flat when lying down. The right implant flips backwards as well, I’ve been flipping it back for the past couple mos but it’s time for a pocket repair. I also decided to go a little bigger while I’m under. My Dr. recommends Textured Implants w/the repair.

Is this the best idea? Help

Procedure: Breast Implant Revision
Location: Playa Del Rey, CA

Replies 4

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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I have personally stopped using textured implants 5 years ago to eliminate the very small, but real risk of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. The most important factors in avoiding displacement of implants is limiting the width of the pocket dissection towards the arm pit and making sure the base diameter of the implant is no more than one centimeter more than your pre-implantation breast base diameter. In your case you should also consider insertion of an absorbable mesh to reinforce the tightening up/repair of the capsule. Good luck.

Shana Kalaria
ASPS Surgeon

It sounds like you are in need of a revision. I would suggest capsule work in order to close down the pocket into your armpit and to tighten the pocket so the implant stays more in place. Textured implants are no longer part of my practice and I do complex breast revisions. Please visit with a board certified plastic surgeon. Best of luck!

Aaron Stone
ASPS Surgeon

Due to the problems associated with textured implants better options would be capsulorrhaphies, pocket change to less widely dissected level, galaflex mesh or some combination of these taking into account your current breast measurements (sternal notch nipple distance, upper pole pinch etc). If they are highly cohesive you might also want to switch to a lesser cohesive and/or lower profile to reduce the risk of flipping.

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hello. If your implants are migrating and flipping, then the only solution is removing them from the Under the muscle plane and place them OVER THE MUSCLE. This will solve the problem once and for all. I would need to see photos in order to determine if you have enough breast tissue of your own to avoid rippling that would be the only disadvantage in patient with no breast tissue of their own.


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