American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
6 months ago

Moving placement of implants

I replace 26 year old calcified implants 2 years ago. I had saline over the muscle and went back with saline over the muscle. I now have a lot of rippling. After now 28 years of implants over the muscle can I relocate them to under the muscle, go with silicone and get a more natural appearance? I have been reading that the implants being over the muscle for this long could make this a bad option?

Procedure: Breast Implant Revision
Location: Winterville, NC

Replies 4

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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You may want to consider highly cohesive silicone implants which are less likely to ripple whether placed above or below the muscle. Avoiding large implants in women with very little breast tissue also decreases the chance of having visible rippling.

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Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Yes can definitely do this. If you have a lot of rippling it could be because you have very thin breast tissue. Agree with my colleagues here on having a highly cohesive implant.

You may also want to discuss fat grafting with your surgeon to get a more natural appearance, fill in the cleavage and to minimize rippling

Please meet with a plastic surgeon board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Best wishes

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Samir Shureih

It very possible to change the implant to under the muscle after being above the muscle for 28 years. However the skin may have been stretched much. Your surgeon will be able to tell and advice you after in person examination.

Samir Shureih Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Retired

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Rippling is a problem with the saline implants. It may be possible to place them under muscle at this time. You need to consult this with your ABPS certified or eligible plastic surgeon


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