American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
27 days ago

Upper cheek fat removal

All the "before and after" pics I see of this procedure seems to show the lower fat - close to end of lips. Is it possible to remove/reduce the upper cheek fat? above the nasolabial folder? I have cheeks that look like they have fillers without ever having them.

Procedure: Cheek Reduction
Location: Palm Desert, CA

Replies 4

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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I would recommend a deep plane face lift which will reposition the fat and tissues where they belong. Over time you have had loss of volume of upper cheeks and skin and soft tissue laxity from gravity. Just removing that fat will not solve your problem and may cause other problems.

Aaron Stone
ASPS Surgeon

I agree its more a case of fat that has fallen out of place with aging than just too much fat and repositioning it should take priority over removing it.

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

You are a candidate for an Extended SMAS facelift. The Malar Fat pad has fallen and needs to be re-positioned. Rejuvenation is the implicit advantage of such procedure.


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