I’m 15 mo post op of tummy tuck and have a bulge in my lower abs. I still feel the need to wear compression and experience some pain. This area was flat and had progressively gotten larger. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
The muscles do stretch over time. It’s important to have a diet and exercise plan postoperatively to decrease visceral fat and build core strength.
If your bulge is from fat beneath your skin, liposuction may help. Reconsult your plastic surgeon for evaluation.
The bulge is most probably caused by fat that can be easilly removed with touch-up liposuction. Very rarely, it could be due to a paramedial hernia. Only an MRI would give you the precise cause of the bulge. Nevertheless, your surgeon will most probably be able to determine what needs to be done with an in-person consutation.
You may need some liposuction combined with a modality like Renuvion. Please visit your plastic surgeon. Best wishes