American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
6 months ago

Nipple sparing mastectomy

Roughly what percent of breast cancer patients who are having or had mastectomies are NOT eligible for nipple-sparing mastectomies?

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction
Location: Gaithersburg, MD

Replies 4

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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There is not a percentage its location of tumor, the nipple position, type of reconstruction that are important. Also sometimes depends on skill level of the breast surgeon.

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Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thank you for this question. The ability to have a nipple sparing mastectomy depends on a few things:

- The position of your nipple on the breast. The best candidates are women who have no ptosis or "sagging" of the nipple. IF the nipple is at the lower border of the breast and pointing downwards you are generally not a good candidate for a nipple sparing mastectomy

In addition equally as important are the characteristics of your tumor. If it is close to the nipple, and a large tumor then you are usually not a candidate for a nipple sparing mastectomy

Best wishes


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