American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
6 months ago

How easy/hard is it to mess up rhinoplasty results ?? 23 days post op, I did something really stu

Hi ! So this is probably really stupid and I’m honestly too embarrassed to tell my plastic surgeon. I had a rhinoplasty 24 days ago. I had a revision rhinoplasty that was really complicated with cartilage grafting .I had nasal valve collapse . Yesterday (23 days post) my nose felt really blocked. So I did something stupid. Please read my text in photos !

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: Wake Forest, NC

Replies 3

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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It is best to discuss this with your plastic surgeon. It is always the best policy to be honest with your surgeon so they can provide the proper treatment.

Best wishes

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

You should not be asking anybody but your own surgeon and the quicker the better.

Ahmed Attiyah
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Firstly you have to keep up with your surgeon whatever the reason would be, secondly though surgery was done just few weeks ago, simple manipulation will not change the results , finally always adhere your surgeon’s instructions


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