American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
22 days ago

Breast reduction

I am 21, 128lbs, and a size 32D-DD. I go the chiropractor for neck, shoulder, and upper back pain/discomfort. I have endometriosis and my FMNP suspects I might have fibrocystic breasts. Would I be a candidate for breast reduction with BCBS?

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: Wichita, KS

Replies 4

Chinwe Kpaduwa
ASPS Surgeon

You sound like a reasonable candidate and blue cross/shield is usually good about covering these things unless you have a very limited policy. I would seek out a local plastic surgeon to discuss your case further.

Marissa Baca
ASPS Surgeon
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Based on your details, you would probably be a candidate for breast reduction. The only way to know for sure is to meet with a board certified plastic surgeon for an examination. You can typically call the member services number on the back of your insurance card to get information on which local board certified plastic surgeons participate with your insurance.

Kristopher Day
ASPS Surgeon

It sounds reasonable for you to seek a breast reduction. Your surgical candidacy would best be determined by an exam by a board certified plastic surgeon. Most commonly insurances look for pain, skin issues, and attempts at non-surgical interventions, such as physical therapy, customized bra, chiropractor treatments, etc… But each case is different, so a surgeon’s office could help you with that. Hope you find the care you’re seeking.

Sasanka Chatterjee
ASPS Int. Surgeon

You can certainly do a breast reduction. It will also reduce the load of fibrocystic disease as well.


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