American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
14 days ago

Desperate for help!

Hi there. I am desperately trying to find a way to get a tummy tuck. For me, it isn’t about the appearance of it. I am a single mother of 3, I did have 4 csections & hysterectomy to save my life. Within a year, my qualify of life has drastically declined. I have list of symptoms that have made daily life difficult for me. Please help me.

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: Campbellsville, KY

Replies 3

Raffy Karamanoukian
ASPS Surgeon

Tummy Tuck - Santa Monica


A tummy tuck is an excellent option to help reduce the prominence of the abdomen, restore integrity to rectus muscles that have become weakened after childbirth, and remove extra skin along the lower abdomen. This surgery can redefine your body contour and help restore confidence in your body.


Dr. Karamanoukian

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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Tummy tuck is an excellent option as long as you are otherwise medically healthy, and non smoker. Other options are for medical weightloss and get to a healthy place for the best aesthetic results with the abdominoplasty.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

If it is not for the appearance, then what is it for? With pregnancy a lot of things happen. Your rectus muscles are separated in the midline making your abdomen stick out a little more, your skin stretches and does not return to where it was and with weight gain things just do not look the same. These things do not cause any symptoms unless you have a large hernia. You could have some things done to restore you more like before pregnancy but they are all cosmetic and only done if this is what you want for yourself. The very best result from any surgery is going to be with weight loss to like you were before pregnancy before having any surgery. You can still have a good result at present weight but it is going to be less from the overweight. You could have an abdominoplasty with repair of the diastasis along with liposuction of the abdomen and flanks which would give you a very nice result but lesser results than if you lost the weight first. Consult a local ABPS plastic surgeon.


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