American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
13 days ago

What is the best treatment to fix my alar scar from rhinoplasty?

Can you please suggest the best treament or procedure to fix my alar scar from rhinoplasty? I’m really desperate to have this fix.. thank you so much!

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: New york, CA

Replies 8

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

The answer depends on when the alar surgery was performed. More time may be needed for complete healing. Scar revision may be indicated, but once again, I need to know when the first procedure was performed. Sclerotherapy may be needed in order to address the spider veins on the skin surface that makes the area stand out.

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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Your scars are visible because your body enalrged thread -like vessels called telangiectasias. There are vascular lasers that target the red color and shut down the blood vessels.

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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Vascular lasers would be the best option for this would improve the little vessels and the scars.

Kenneth Francis
ASPS Surgeon

Dear Dazyymee,

More information about your surgery and pre-surgery condition would help us give an opinion. Specifically, did you have the spider veins pre-surgery and how long ago was your surgery. There are lasers for spider vein treatment that might make a significant difference in the appearance of your scars. Good luck!

Arturo Munoz Meza
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Pico Laser, with a Certified Dermatologist, may be helpful.

Sorry to say this as raw as it sounds, but in Aesthetic Rhinoplasty, every detail counts as it is not a “cooking recipe”, and should be performed only by skill full professionals. “There is just one time to perfection”.

Anyway, the good part for you, as you may know it: it takes 1 year for any scar to “mature”. By now use sunscreen(Isdin skin color type, 2-4 times/ day and Picolaser, properly used, may be a very pleasant treatment. I expect for an improvement in your case.

Best regards

Arturo Munoz Meza
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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This is an example of how alar web reduction before and after should look.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

Some things you can fix or improve and some you can not. Can not tell anything from the pictures other than the scars are still a little pink and that means it has not been very long since surgery. There may be some ointment that obscures the pictures. There are some spider veins that increase the redness. This is part of healing and not the fault of your surgeon. At present there is nothing to do other than wait at least one year and re-evaluate. Should not have any revisions until the redness is gone completely. Most likely it will improve quite a bit with time alone. The spider veins can be treated by sclerotherapy or vascular lasers by surgeons that do that kind of work. Beware of any surgeon who tells you they never have a scar problem or are too quick to criticize without having the full story or exam.


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