American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one month ago

Better get fat or lose weight before the procedure?

I'm going to have a breast augmentation with my own fat done, still have a month till that point. Should I lose weight, so that the surgeon can suck up as many cells as there can fit into his liposuction needle and toss as many as he can into the new place - or - should I gain weight so that he has no trouble finding them? Also, which way am I going to make more fat cells survive on the new spot?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: Rfrtgfvh, CT

Replies 2

Mert Demirel
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Just do, what your surgeon told you. It will be brilliant, if you stop smoking, drink water and eat fresh fruits (not juice). Graft taking needs stability, just like a broken arm in a cast. So wear your bra, rest as much as you can.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

You need to ask these questions to your surgeon and follow the surgeon's advice. You need to understand very well what you are having done and the surgeon is the best one to answer this.


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