American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
26 days ago

Which procedure would give me the most positive & drastic change?

I am 20F, but I look really masculine due to very prominent features (nose, chin) Ideally I’d get both done, but I am only financially able to do one or the other. Which would give me the most drastic (positive) change? I was thinking Rhinoplasty would change my appearance greatly for the better. What do you think, by looking at these pictures, is negatively affecting my appearance most? TIA.

Procedure: Facial Feminization
Location: manchester, NB - United Kingdom

Replies 4

Arturo Munoz Meza
ASPS Int. Surgeon
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Well, your own perception is too drastic : in my opinion you are a beautiful woman and a good Aesthetic Rhinoplasty would make a positive change in your face, adding an effective “added charm”, just like the “jewel in the crown”. Check my Instagram: drartmunozm and see what a nose change can do for a person. Do not think it twice. Chin augmentation is just extra $200.

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

I definitely recommend Aesthetic Feminzing Rhinoplasty. The nose is the center of attention of your face, so we should focus primarily on that feature. Secondly, I would recommend that you consider Chin bone shaving in order to further feminize your facial features. Both can be done either locally or here in Mexico at affordable costs.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

You do not look masculine at all. You have very nice feminine features. I consider it unethical to suggest operations to patients without the patient first stating what specifically about themselves they do not like. You should have a consultation with a local plastic surgeon to discuss what specifically about yourself you do not like and what if anything can be done about it. Again, you look just fine.

Norman Bakshandeh
ASPS Surgeon

I see a beautiful woman here. I also see nothing that is masculine. You can benefit from a rhinoplasty if you wish. There are some parts of your nose that ca be improved


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