American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
19 days ago

can I get the non surgical nose job(filler/injection) before getting an actual rhinoplasty?

My nose was broke by an abusive partner years ago and it is very very slightly to one side. Nobody can notice but I of course can. Since I am going to get a corrective rhinoplasty in the future Id also like to shave down a small bump on my nose that also got bigger from this incident. Will it hinder the rhinoplasty if I get a non surgical procedure (hyaluronic acid filler injection) first?

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: bethesda, MD

Replies 4

Ahmed Attiyah
ASPS Int. Surgeon

It will not affect the analysis and subsequent management for the experienced plastic surgeon to deal with nose shaping, it’s highly recommended to consult the plastic surgeon who do rhinoplasty for that.

Ahmed Attiyah
ASPS Int. Surgeon

It will not affect the analysis and subsequent management for the experienced plastic surgeon to deal with nose shaping, it’s highly recommended to consult the plastic surgeon who do rhinoplasty for that.

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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It will not affect the rhinoplasty. It may make it harder with scarring but an experienced plastic surgeon can usually do a great job with the rhinoplasty. The non surgical rhino you have to worry about potential complications. Also you may not be a candidate for non surgical because it might not be able to achieve your outcome.

Enrique Almonte Checo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hi there! I wouldn’t recommend it. Won’t work, might predispose to fibrosis , inflammation and or reaction to fillers, may also endanger the circulation of the area. Find and choose a board certified plastic surgeon in your area known for rinoplasty and follow instructions as it matches your own desires.


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