American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
19 days ago

Uneven breast after lift

I’m 12 days post op of breast lift and my nipples are uneven , one breast also looks larger then the other . Please tell me this is just really early on and it’s just the swelling that’s causing the asymmetry . When should this resolve ?

Procedure: Breast Lift
Location: Massapequa, NY

Replies 2

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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It’s too early to tell. Will take 6 months for the breast to settle out and take shape and all swelling to be gone. It’s also tough to say anything about the nipples until the steri strips are off. The results look great I think you just need to wait.

Enrique Almonte Checo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hello there! First of all, there won’t be any perfect size and exact shape of breasts operated or unoperated. Nonetheless, it’s too early to evaluate definitive outcome. After 3-4 months changes are approaching its final outcome . In the photos shown it seems to be an adequate result.


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