American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Carolyn Coldwell
17 days ago

Shy/Nervous about initial appointment

I've wanted a breast reduction for a long time, but am scared to make 1st consultation w/ surgeon. I'm self-conscious & generally nervous about medical exam/getting undressed. Will plastic surgeon just do a brief breast exam. like at the obgyn? Does the exam part take long? Will he measure breasts or use any instruments? Advice on getting over shyness & embarrassment also appreciated

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: Jackson, MS

Replies 4

Rozbeh Torabi
ASPS Surgeon
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Breast exam is usually short we take some measurements using a measuring tape and sometimes we may obtain photos on first visit. I would see the plastic surgeon and get to feel comfortable with them. I only do exams and have patients change into a robe after we have talked and patient understands the procedure and is comfortable with moving forward. Breast reduction patients are some of the happiest patients because it improves the patients confidence and quality of life. I would say do some breathing exercises to get you into a relaxed state.

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

You must feel comfortable and trust your Plastic Surgeon once you communicate either online, by phone or in person. Most Plastic surgeons also offer email or online evaluation where you can send digital photos (front and side views). That, together with your provided medical history will be enough to form a surgical plan and in most cases a quote. Then, once you decide to proceed, you can visit in person in order to meet the surgeon and go ahead with surgery.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

If you want to have any surgery you need a consultation and a physical exam to determine what kind of surgery you may need and if you are a good candidate for the surgery. Some measurements will be taken and if you decide you want the surgery you will need to have pictures taken. The breast exam should take something less than 5 minutes and there will be a female assistant present to help you and the doctor. If you opt for the surgery you will need a more in depth exam for your heart and lungs at least. You have to have an exam to complete your consultation. It is not a big deal at all but necessary.

Enrique Almonte Checo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hi there! Breast reduction is a gratifying experience with immediate results. Butterflies in your stomach? Everyone has them. And yes, has to be undressed to adequately measure, palpate as a proper anamnesis to discard possible undetected lumps or any other simple normal breast tissue. My advise, write and ask all your inquiries to make empathy with your doctor and those fears might be succeeded. Does a female plastic surgeon would help your cause?


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