American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Brandy g
3 months ago

Triple point wound please help I’m scared my implant will expose or is exposed?

Tomorrow I will be 3 post breast lift & implant exchange last week after removing my tapes as advised to do after two weeks and one day post op I noticed puss through the tapes on my bra and uncovered an opening. At this point it has gotten worse, my surgeon prescribed me silver sulfi cream and I have applied that maybe 3 x & alternated with medi honey covered I’m scared my implant will show

Procedure: Breast Lift
Location: Maple Valley, WA

Replies 2

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thanks for posting the pictures. You are definitely at risk for implant exposure. Please keep in close contact with your surgeon. There is a chance that this is superficial and your implant is protected but there is also a chance that this is tracking all the way to the level of the implant.

Best wishes

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Enrique Almonte Checo
ASPS Int. Surgeon

I’m sorry to see this outcome. If you’re having chills, fever, headaches and this photos, it means that the implant had been exposed and contaminated and or infected. If so, must contact your surgeon urgently to take more drastic measures than the ones already, more serious complications may arise if unattended.


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