I had a 2nd breast aug revision 6 months ago. Motiva 450cc/over the muscle, my 2nd revision was due to capsular contracture, but now I can see visible ripples where the capsule was formed before, my PS says this is due to the removal of it. I’m considering Renuva, but I’m worried that since I can see and feel my implant that the needle might rupture it?Can Renuva cause me another encapsulation?
It is not the implant itself, but the amount of adipose tissue you have. Maybe you are skinny.
If not, you have a very good solution as a graft from your own fat can be injected and partially or totally improve the problem.
There are many reasons why the procedure is successful: first, if it is really below muscle, it is a natural protection and we do it with ultrasound directed technique to be sure we are injecting it into the right plane( subcutaneous fat layer).
Another technique we used to do before the ultrasound was a routine, was to remove the implant and then look for de adipose tissue layer and then to fill the preop. marked “wrinkled areas”.
We need to have enough fat graft amount, as the idea is to give the most natural shape and look to your breast.
Without seeing any pictures it is really hard to say what the proper treatment for you would be. Since you said your implant is over the muscle, if you have very thin breast tissue a 450 cc implant would ripple and the ripples will be visible. Anytime a needle is inserted, there is always a chance of rupture with an implant. In addition, you may want to.