American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
one month ago

3 months post-op - Need advice

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Procedure: Male Breast Reduction
Location: Toronto, ON - Canada

Replies 9

Daniel Kim
ASPS Surgeon

You’ll need skin excision. Discuss with your surgeon.

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Norman Bakshandeh
ASPS Surgeon

You need to have some skin excision. The scars can be hidden around the areola

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

There is no doubt that the extra skin has to be removed surgically and by an experienced surgeon who has performed the Double incision Free nipple graft technique. I specialize in this type of surgery. The resulting scars will be on the breast crease and the areolas and nipples will be relocated as grafts in accordance to male anatomy. Fortunately, it looks like your areolas and nipples have not been affected.

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Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

I am guessing that what you had was treatment by liposuction alone. You had quite a bit of sagging skin to start and liposuction alone does not take care of the problem adequately. To improve the situation you need to have the extra skin removed by mastopexy or by mastectomy with free nipple graft which is what I would recommend. I certainly would not recommend traveling to have this done. There are plenty of good plastic surgeons where you live and you should see one for consultation.

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