American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Carolyn Coldwell
5 days ago

lifetime risk of breast cancer and prophylactic mastectomy

I've been to a genetic counselor and undergone testing. Though I don't have a BRCA1/2 gene mutation, they still estimated my lifetime risk of breast cancer as above average. How high must your percentage (lifetime risk of developing invasive breast cancer) be in order to be considered for prophylactic mastectomy? Does ur risk have to be estimated to be 50/50 or greater (50% chance of cancer)?

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction
Location: Jackson, MS

Replies 2

Ellis Tavin
ASPS Surgeon
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You should contact a breast surgeon as they perform mastectomies.

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hello. I understand that it is a difficult decision, but if your risk has been determined to be higher than average my professionl opinion is that you have to make that decision and not any statistical probability. Peace of mind is very inmportant when it comes to breast cancer. That considered, if I were the patient and had the possibilty to reduce my risk of having invasive breast cancer, wheather or not I have the BRCA1/2 gene mutation, I would seriously consider prophylactic . Most Board Certified Plastic Surgeons such as myself perform this type of surgery.


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