American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 days ago

Full or mini TT or other options?

46 years old and recently lost 70 pounds over 10 months. I’m 5’6, 135 lbs now., and do resistance training 3 x a week. I was hopeful my skin would tighten, but the sagging isn’t pleasant. What is the least invasive procedure that will give me results that I can live with? In the final photo, I’m extending my belly to lessen the effect and would be happy with final results that look like that.

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: st augustine, FL

Replies 7

Karol Gutowski
ASPS Surgeon
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Since you have loose skin above your belly button, a fully tummy tuck may be better for you. With so much weight loss, a body lift is also an option. An in person assessment is best.

Michelle Copeland
ASPS Surgeon
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Thank you for sharing your photos! Lax hanging skin can be improved with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), this removes excess skin that is often found after wight loss. If you are not ready for surgical interventions, you might be a candidate for a non-invasive procedure called Thermage. Thermage can tighten skin and stimulate your body to make healthier collagen- the building blocks to structure your skin. The procedure uses radiofrequency to tighten and lift. This does not have any downtime. This can be used in combination with micro-rf (microneedling) to smooth the areas. I suggest making an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options in more detail!

Shana Kalaria
ASPS Surgeon

A full tummy tuck would be most beneficial so the appearance of the belly button can also be improved. You may opt not to have your muscles tightened if you are opposed to more invasive options. This would mean the difference between a full tummy tuck and a mini would be minimal making your down-time also similar. Hope this helps.

Jaime Caloca Valenzuela
ASPS Int. Surgeon

A Full Tummy Tuck is best in order to improve the frowning navel. A Mini Tummy Tuck wold get rid of all the excess skin on the lower abdomen, but would do little to improve the navel.

George Marosan
ASPS Surgeon
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Based on these photos there's no minimal invasive procedure that will give you a satisfactory result. You need a full tummy tuck, most likely skin only and VASER sculpting of your 6 pack and gynecomastia surgery via intra-areolar incisions and Renuvion skin tightening of the chest. Not being able to evaluate your back, this is the minimum approach for a sculpted result, but much improved from your posted 4th photo. See a board certified plastic surgeon experienced in advanced body sculpting techniques for an in person consultation/evaluation. Good luck.

Ahmet Arif Eroglu
ASPS Int. Surgeon


With Mini Tummy Tuck treatment; your belly button will be pulled down too much and there will be no aesthetic appearance. You, definitely, need for a Full Tummy Tuck procedure.

Alfred Antonetti
ASPS Surgeon

We do not know what your back looks like but seems most of your problem in in the front. My guess is that you have a diastasis and some loose skin, both above and below the umbilicus, worse below. The best result you are going to have is with a full abdominoplasty. This can be done preserving your umbilicus or getting rid of it and making a new one. The second best result you will have is with the so called mini abdominoplasty which is no mini at all. The muscles could be tightened or not and the umbilicus may end up a little below it's original place. This may not tighten the skin above the umbilicus as much. You can spend a lot of money in lasers, radiofrequency and other stuff and my guess is that is not going to work worth a flip. The only person that can tell you which result you can live with is you. This is my opinion and my recommendation is for you to make an appointment with an ASPS certified or eligible plastic surgeon in your community for an in person consultation.


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