American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago

Augmentation/lift after weight training

I had my breast augmentation (under the muscle)/lift 4 weeks ago. Prior surgery, I decreased my chest training regimen but didn't all together stop. My doctor noted that I was still very high, and wouldn't give me a clear answer on if i should be concerned about the slow dropping process or not.

Is it normal for women who have more developed chest muscles to experience a longer "settling" time?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: Vidor, TX

Replies 3

Curtis Wong
ASPS Surgeon

Upper pole fullness is usually more prominent and longer lasting in women who have pursued pec muscle bulk prior to surgery. When my patients are 'high', I always employ strapping or banding... it doesn't hurt and can only help but there are many out there that are non-believers. And if you have textured implants, they are harder to move post-op. In this case, all you can really do is trust your surgeon as he/she should want the best outcome for you and if not achieved, should have a clear revision policy to help you make it 'right'.

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Susan Buenaventura
ASPS Surgeon
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Intense pectoral workouts and strong muscles definitely are a challenge for subpectoral implants. Wrapping the upper pole or a bra band to stabilize the implants can help ( don't do this without your surgeons permission. ). If they don't drop you canbrevise later but give it more time. Stop your pectoral exercises. I don't even let patients carry heavy purses. Sometimes subglandular implants are the answer, but it's too early to tell.

Joseph Kelamis
ASPS Surgeon

The upper pole fullness you are experiencing is virtually common in all breast augmentation patients. It takes varying amounts of time to subside, depending on implant size, textured vs smooth, tissue quality, and pocket location. You mentioned a "lift"; I can only presume you underwent a mastopexy at the same time. Pronounced upper pole fullness should be evident for longer; this is the sign of a durable and well performed mastopexy. Four weeks is still very early. It is very difficult to predict when settling will resolve, but it is seldom less than 2-3 month. If the creases under your breasts are at the same level, you can rest assured that in time the fullness will resolve. If it does not, this points to incomplete release of tissues preventing descent. One would see worsening asymmetry as time passes, with one breast settling well, the other remaining the same. You did not mention any factors to suggest the latter. Rest assured, you made the right decision.


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