American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago

I need a slight nose reduction.

I've always wanted a "nose job" ever since puberty gave me what I consider to be a larger, very noticeable nose. After playing around with photo shop I realized what would make me not hate my face is actually just a slight reduction of my nose and straightening out my bridge. What recovery time would that need and could I still go to work (I'm a dog groomer)? Is it very painful?

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: Sumter, SC

Replies 7

Richard Greco
ASPS Surgeon

Rhinoplasty is a very interesting operation that can change your the way you see yourself. Go see a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon whom can show you a morphed photograph of yourself to see if that is the appearance that you desire.

It can be done on printed photos or a morphed software program.

Good Luck

Wendell Perry
ASPS Surgeon

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that can do a little or do a lot. I think it's always better to under do a rhinoplasty keep a little character and have a nonsurgical look then to overdo a rhinoplasty and get a surgical look. Discussed the look you're looking for with your surgeon. If you don't see after pictures the look the way you want to look and that's not the surgeon for you. If you don't break the bones you can be back to work in a week.

Benjamin Van Raalte

Recovery is different for every individual. Usually you will have a splint on your Nose for a week followed by steri strips. You may have bruising that lasts two weeks. If you are concerned about pain, the Exparel prolonged Marcaine injection can markedly reduce discomfort for 3 days. The changes you mentioned are common. As a dog groomer, if you are not self conscious you might be able to return within a week of surgery, but you would need to be careful not to get your nose bumped by a large dog for a few weeks.

Computer imaging can be helpful and is blueprint of what the surgeon will try to achieve but is not a guarantee. Good luck.

Mario Carranza-Garcia
ASPS Int. Surgeon

it can be done and after ten to 15 days you can start working

Mark Constantian

The critical thing to remember when you see consultations is that the nasal skin is not a tablecloth that will wrap around any framework the surgeon makes. Too much reduction will compromise your airway and cause distortion and blunt contours. So make sure that you are aware of the limitations and your surgeon advises you properly. That way it will be a very good experience.

Paul Parker
ASPS Surgeon
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Rhinoplasty surgery is not painful. I would think you could return to work as a dog groomer within two weeks after surgery. Obtain a face to face consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. They can examine you, describe how you should look after surgery and detail your anticipated recovery.

Michael Streitmann
ASPS Surgeon

Great question. Finding the right board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon is key to making sure you have the best results for rhinoplasty. Recovery times depends on what exactly you have done with your nose. It could be a simple recovery after a nose rasping or more invasive changing the structure of your nose. Most rhinoplasty patients have some slight discomfort but are not in much pain after a rhinoplasty. Typical recovery time is 5-10 days.


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