American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Britt Britt
4 years ago

I want to have a better body

Hello I was trying to get a tummy tuck or a BBL I want to get done sometime in the winter my question is I had a liver transplant at the age of 1 I'm now 31 will it reduces my chances of getting the procedures of my dreams I had 2 kids and my stomach is horrible

Procedure: Tummy Tuck
Location: baltimore, MD

Replies 2

Benjamin Van Raalte

You will need to consult with the transplantation service for their clearance. I would recommend a plastic surgery consultation in the department of that same institution to coordinate. The scars on your abdomen from the prior procedures will have to be evaluated to see what could be done safely as the scars may make a traditional abdominoplasty not safe. On the other hand, some abdominal improvement might be considered reconstructive and covered by insurance. An evaluation in those two Departments will give you both answers about safety, what can be done, and what even might be covered by insurance

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your excellent question. Assuming you can get medical clearance from your transplant team, and regular medical doctor, you should not be limited in pursuing surgery. Hope this helps.

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