What is my risk of having a facial surgery being a diabetic patient?
Diabetes which is well controlled does not prevent you from having rhinoplasty or any other cosmetic surgery. Best wishes.
Thank you for your excellent question. The biggest issue with diabetics is delayed wound healing. My criteria for any elective surgery in diabetics is to have the hemoglobin a1c (Hgba1c) under 7. That will greatly improve the risk profile for surgery. It is best to follow up with your primary care doctor and / or endocrinologist to make sure your diabetes is well controlled prior to surgery.
Best wishes!
If you have well controlled Diabetes and have clearance from your primary care physician or endocrinologist, you certainly may have a rhinoplasty. Make sure you find a true rhinoplasty expert with the experience and expertise to manage your functional and cosmetic concerns as well. Rhinoplasty is the most challenging procedure done in Cosmetic Plastic surgery
Thank you for sharing your excellent question. For most patients with well-controlled diabetes they can safely undergo a rhinoplasty and other aesthetic facial procedures.
Diabetes in and of itself is not a contraindication. If your diabetes is well controlled you should be able to undergo surgery. Good luck.
Well controlled diabetes should allow you to be considered for cosmetic surgery. It is important for your plastic surgeon and primary care physician or endocrinologist to communicate to be sure the procedure can be done safely.
As long as your diabetes is under control your rate of complications should be the same.
Dr. Edward Jonas Domanskis is Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Newport Beach, San Francisco,Miami, EU, Anguilla,Nassau
Assistant Clinical Professor of SurgeryWOS-Plastic,University of California (Irvine)
Orange County’s Physician of Excellence/America’s Top Physicians/Top Doctors
Plastic Surgery- 2005-2018
President,American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons
Organoderm Skin care/ScaRxTape
If you have well controlled diabetes and a medical clearance, facial surgery should not be a problem. That being said, wound healing may be slower than some people. It really depends on you and your health at the time of surgery.