American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago

Breast uneven

I got a breast implant about 7 weeks now. At first when i just done it looks good but recently my breast kinda look uneven. My left one is dropping more than right side. Is it normal because i know it will take around 3 to 6 months to see the final result. And is there any way to make my right side drop down to even because it looks so awkward now. Can anyone help me?

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Location: houston, TX

Replies 7

Barry Citron
ASPS Surgeon

All of us could help you, but the person who you need to see is the surgeon who you chose to perform your breast augmentation. It would be inappropriate for me to comment on another surgeon's work in this setting. At the very least one would need to see you in person to give a valid opinion, Discussing the possible causes of your concerns would serve no useful purpose. Your concerns should be communicated to your plastic surgeon so that you can be seen, evaluated and appropriate measures taken to ensure you get the best possible result. I recommend that you call without delay to get a follow-up appointment this week. Best wishes.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. Assuming everything is healing appropriately it is not uncommon for breasts to settle at different rates. As you mentioned it takes 6 months to see final results so hang in there and allow your breasts more time to mature.

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thank you very much for your question. Some asymmetry at this time is completely within normal limits. Without examining you, it’s hard to determine what if anything should be done.

I would like to echo my colleagues on here and it’s best to visit your operating surgeon for advice

Best wishes!

Matthew Camp
ASPS Surgeon

Sometimes the breasts settle and heal in an asymmetric fashion. This can be helped via breast implant massage, but this should be initiated and supervised by your surgeon. Best wishes!

Jon Harrell
ASPS Surgeon

Your surgeon should be the one to explain to you what is going on and what the various causes could be. However, even with that answer you would need to wait at least 6 months to determine the final result. Occasionally things change for the better as you heal. If you cannot get back to your original surgeon or the relationship has unfortunately been damaged then seek the opinion of another local surgeon. Best of Luck Dr Harrell

Paul Parker
ASPS Surgeon
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You are still early on in your recovery. Best to follow up with your surgeon so that they can advise you on how to get the right implant to drop sooner rather than later. We will do different things in situations like this depending on the type of implant and degree of asymmetry.

Katerina Gallus
ASPS Surgeon
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Hello and thank you for your question. It is still early in recovery and the breasts often heal differently. I would review your concerns with your surgeon to ensure you are on an uneventful path to recovery, and they can advise you on the best course of action. Best of luck!


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