American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Why is this happening?

I’m 2 months post op. From rhinoplasty with a surgeon that has a very high skill level and does a ton of rhinoplasties. Immediately after and up to 1.5 months my swelling was dissipating. The nose was smaller, but a little swollen. Now, it is rock hard, big, ugly & the tip and my nose is increasingly turning upwards. Syeroid shots 3 days ago. I followed aftercare instructions. This seems rare

Procedure: Rhinoplasty
Location: Sacramento, CA

Replies 4

Lawrence Glassman
ASPS Surgeon

Waxing and Waning of swelling following rhinoplasty surgery does occur. There are a multitude of reasons for variable swelling including the specific type of rhinoplasty performed, a patient's individual healing ability, as well as the patient's activity level, just to mention a few. Your experienced rhinoplasty surgeon is usually the best source for your answer.

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Barry Citron
ASPS Surgeon

No one could comment on your case and the cause of your issues in an accurate and meaningful manner without first examining you. The use of steroids for the problem that you describe does not seem unreasonable and is not unusual . You should continue to see your surgeon frequently, relying on his or her expertise, making sure that you understand your condition and the treatment plan. Hopefully with treatment this will resolve in a satisfactory fashion. Best wishes.

Nelson Castillo

Unfortunately without knowing the full details of your procedure, or feeling/seeing your results it is difficult to comment. At times patients can produce an exuberant scar response requiring steroid injections to help control. I would maintain close follow up with your surgeon to ensure your results develop as expected.

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Michael Streitmann
ASPS Surgeon

It takes several months for the swelling of a nose to go down. Unfortunately, without seeing you, it is hard to give you much advice. Contact the surgeon who did the surgery and share your concerns and feelings.

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