Hi I had a TT Jan 2018 and developed a large hard bulge from my breast bone to navel and about 4” across. I feel a tightening sensation that’s uncomfortable. It’s hard to turn in bed and bend over, the area is still numb. My ps initially thought it was a bulging muscle. A CT scan shows a seroma (11x14x.9 cm) in the area over the bulge which sticks out by a couple of inches.
You most likely have a chronic post operative seroma. Yes, it should drained but, may require surgery to get ride of it. Consider seeking out your primary care health provider in the Canadian health care system. They should be able to direct you for treatment of this post operative complication. Be4st,
Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
An unusual incident 18 months after original surgery.Did this swelling progressed slowly over the several momths or came suddenly?From the complaint it may be a deeper seroma deep to fascia.Whatever is the reason you need to seek help as soon as possible.Perhaps the radiologist can localise exact site of the seroma in terms of depth.Youroriginal surgeon may have a better idea.Contact him again.If he is unable find another able surgeon.
Thank you for sharing your question and I am sorry to hear of your seroma. Unfortunately if this has been present since surgery it will require surgery to fully remove. I would talk to your surgeon about treatment options based on the specifics of your procedure.