American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago

Implant and scar revision

I had a reduction, lift, and 325cc mentor mod saline plant on 5/20. I see my surgeon on 8/12 to discuss scar revision. However, I’m incredibly unhappy with my results and have no volume in my upper pole area. Is it too soon to replace the implants? My breasts are not symmetrical at all and I was never given the chance to see or try any implants before surgery.

Procedure: Breast Implant Revision
Location: anderson, SC

Replies 5

Steven Wallach
ASPS Surgeon
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Yes it’s a bit early to get a revision. You need to wait at least 4-6 months and sometimes longer To allow for the tissues to soften.

Curtis Wong
ASPS Surgeon

If your story is as you say about never getting to try sizers on before surgery, I am wondering how your surgeon determined what size implants to use in your procedure as it should be something discussed PRIOR to your procedure. Regardless, at this point, the horses are out of the barn and you have to heal but while healing, you should find out why you were not allowed to have input into the decision process of what implant to use in your case. You should also write down a list of your concerns and allow your surgeon to address each item one at a time so this is resolved prior to having any revisions done. Your surgeon, whom you chose, is still your best advocate as he/she would want the best outcome for you and should be very motivated to help you achieve that.

Paul Parker
ASPS Surgeon
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It is too early on in your course for revision--need to wait several months for the tissues to soften. Discuss your concerns with your surgeon at your next visit.

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Thanks for your question. I think at 2 months from the procedure, it is a little too early discuss revision. I wait a minimum of 3 months before any revision if needed, but preferable to wait 6 months. It’s always good to voice your concerns to your surgeon. In addition please follow your surgeon’s post operative instructions as directed.

Best wishes!

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question and I am sorry that your early results are not what you expected. I would recommend waiting at least six months before pursuing any time of revision as this affords your tissues time to return to their normal elasticity, and will help minimize the risk of bleeding. Hang in there!


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