American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
5 years ago

Dermal fillers/ with breast implants

I had breast augmentation 11 months ago behind the muscle through auxiliary. All is well thank god. I have asymmetric breast. So now one implant is a bit smaller then the other. My surgeon recommended filler to fix it. Is this safe? Or good idea to do while having implants in? What are the pros and cons to this and how is the procedure done? Since i have breast implants?

Procedure: Dermal Fillers
Location: jersey city, NJ

Replies 5

Michael Law
ASPS Surgeon

Structural fat grafting can be used to help with asymmetry of the breasts. I often incorporate fat grafting as part of the surgical plan where there is significant asymmetry pre-operatively , or in some cases in women with very limited breast tissue to help camouflage the implants and create a very natural looking result.

Steven Wallach
ASPS Surgeon
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Filler products are not commonly used to correct asymmetry. However, fat injections can be used. There is a small risk of implant rupture performing this procedure. Another solution maybe using different sized implants. Best of luck.

Karol Gutowski
ASPS Surgeon

Something does not sound right as off the shelf injectable fillers come in very small amounts and are not practical form correction of breast volume asymmetries. Fat grafting may be the better option.

Karen Leong
ASPS Surgeon

Hello. I would ask your surgeon for more details about what he means when he says using filler to correct asymmetry. We often use fat from another area such as the tummy to add volume or correct asymmetries but typically do not use fillers. - Dr. Leong

Paul Parker
ASPS Surgeon
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Dermal fillers would not make sense though fat grafting may be an option. This or putting in a larger implant to try to balance out the asymmetry are probably your best bets.


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