I had an FDL Tummy tuck with exparel at the VA hospital in Houston. Two days after my surgery my husband passed at 37 of a heart attack. I have the glue tape over my incision and part of the tape came off. How or what can I use to get the glue residue off without hurting my incision.
Sorry to hear about your husband. Condolences to you and your family.
As far as the glue, without seeing a picture it is hard to say exactly what you have over your incision.
I usually use dermabond prineo over all of my incisions which is a combination of glue and tape. I leave this on for 3 weeks prior to taking it off.
Please consult with the plastic surgeon that performed your procedure for their specific protocol
Best wishes!
Not sure how long ago you had your procedure. The glue will gradually come off. If it has been there for 2 weeks, it starts to get messy and there is no harm in gradually peeling the loose glue off.
Thank you for sharing your question and I am sorry to hear of your loss.
The glue will come off on its own and typically takes 10-14 days to do so.