American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Black nipple

After my surgery I notes my nipple was black a week later the doctor remove, half of it, he keeps saying not to worry should I worry

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: Fontana, CA

Replies 5

Karol Gutowski
ASPS Surgeon

It depends on how much of the black nipple was just a superficial scab versus a deeper issue. It is hard to say without a picture. Best to follow up with your plastic surgeon.

Halil Ege Ozgentas
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Dear Ana2019,

It is clear that some part of your nipple is died and debrided by your surgeon. If your surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon you should trust him/her and continue the treatment. Nipple necrosis is a complication not malpractice and may happen in the hands of any plastic surgeon. If the damage is mild and the shape of the areola is still OK don't worry about it.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question and I am sorry to hear of your nipple-related issues. Depending on the extent of the loss your aesthetic result may be appropriate once fully healed. Unfortunately it is impossible to comment without photographs so I would trust in your surgeon to get you healed and then you can revisit the aesthetics of your result.

Lori Cherup
ASPS Surgeon

Dear Ana- It's very worrisome. Are you a smoker, or ever have been? Was a lot of tissue resected in your breast reduction? When this has happened to my patients, rarely, there is always an identifiable factor that needs to be corrected. Go back to your surgeon and get a clear explanation of why this might have happened, and what the plan to treat this is. Months of healing may be necessary. Get a clear idea of your doctor's plan, and if you don't hear one, seek another opinion.

Jon Harrell
ASPS Surgeon

If you are not satisfied with your surgeon's explanation then make your concerns clear to him. This may have been an unavoidable complication due to the volume of breast tissue removed of perhaps any medical conditions you may have or medicines you may have been taking. However, regardless of the cause it is important for you to understand why the doctor thinks it happened and what will be necessary to obtain a final satisfactory result. It will require patience on your part but usually this problem can be resolved to a patient's satisfaction, although it will take some time. Best of Luck Dr Harrell


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