American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Gynecomastia issue: Tissue removed through incision, still little swollen/puffy on one side. hematom

I had surgery four days ago to remove the glandular tissue from the chest because of which the appearance which was very massive in appearance reduced. The right side seems deflated/small and the left side has swelling and still feels(haven’t taken bandages or drains off) some fat is there. Will some exercise, considering there is some fat layer, give me a flat appearance better than what I had?

Procedure: Breast Reduction
Location: Chicago, IL

Replies 3

Debra Johnson
ASPS Surgeon

Sheesh, King123, it's a little early to be worrying about your results. When gynecomastia surgery is performed the extra breast tissue is removed from under the skin. This is like letting the air out of a balloon. The overlying skin is squishier than normal and takes some time (three to four months!) to tighten up as much as it will. At four days you still have a lot of swelling, and the two sides never behave exactly the will be more swollen, or more bruised, or feel squishier, etc. You need to drink plenty of fluid, eat enough protein to help you heal, take it easy, and wait things out. Nothing happens overnight. You'll look better and better as time goes on. Your doctor will discuss your progress with you at each post-op visit. In 3-4 months if things aren't as you had hoped, then you can discuss with your surgeon what options might be available to improve your result. Here's hoping that by that time you'll be quite pleased with your chest.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. At only four days, and without being able to feel you rtissues, it is difficult to identify whether your results are part of the expected healing process or an issue like a hematoma developed. I would see your surgeon to discuss, but remember that it takes 4-6 months to see your final results. Hang in there.

Sutton Graham
ASPS Surgeon
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Questions like this are so common. In our practice we encourage patients like you to call us anytime, and frequently we schedule them for a quick recheck within 12-24 hours. That way we can determine if there is any cause for concern and address it right away. Your best approach would be to call your plastic surgeon, discuss your concerns with their staff and let them guide you. You are very early in the recovery and healing process, so plenty of improvement can be expected. Best Wishes.


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