American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
Tanveer Ahmed
4 years ago

Loss of volume on face

I am a male and 18 years old. I am 5’5” and about 120-125 pounds. I have noticed that I have lost a lot of facial volume or fat in my face and my face is skinny. My question is if I gain weight or fat will it restore the volume or fat in my face or do I need any surgical procedure?

Procedure: Dermal Fillers
Location: Dhaka, DA - Bangladesh

Replies 3

Lori Cherup
ASPS Surgeon

Even though you are short, you should have 30 more pounds of muscle and fat on you to have a normal BMI. Run, lift weights, eat healthy food and a lot of protein. Your testosterone will put the volume on if you just utilize it. YOU absolutely do not need plastic surgery.

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Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your excellent question. Based on your age you will most likely restore volume in your face with weight gain alone and should not require any surgical intervention. Hope this helps.

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Michael Streitmann
ASPS Surgeon

Have you recently lost weight since you noticed the loss of volume in your face? It does sound that you will be increase the volume in your face if you gain weight.

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