Is there any way that you can transfer let's say your stomach fat and put in your boobs or butt? and would you recommend it for young adults?
Absolutely you can. when transferred to the breast it is called an NBA, natural breast augmentation, and when transferred to the buttock it is called a BBL, Brazilian Butt Lift. Please note that this can be done in a single surgery. Ideal results achieved by a High Definition Body Contouring specialist.
Thank you for sharing your question. Fat can absolutely be transferred from an undesirable location to augment another. It’s a great option for many patients.
Yes, of course that is called Liposculpture. It consists in the aspiration of fat from deposits in your body contour (donor areas) and transfer that fat to fill other ones (receptor areas). Could be in large amount for a Brazilian Butt Lift or to fill depressions in the skin. I do not recommend it for Breast Augmentation purposes, since implants placement is still the best procedure.
Gabby, Thank you for your question. Yes, liposuction with fat transfer is a popular procedure and the fat can be transferred for breast enhancement or to augment the buttocks. I recommend seeking consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your specific goals and create the best surgical plan to meet your expectations. Best of luck!
Yes, liposuction to the breast and to the buttocks are becoming very popular procedures. What this really does is change where your body stores calories. You are really moving your storage compartment from the love handles to the buttocks or the breast. So now instead of the love handles be the first place to store fat the fat is stored first in the breast or the buttocks.
Hello dear and thank you for your question. It is possible to do fat transfer to the breast and also on the butt. I recommend you to have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for an evaluation on your case.
Liposuction with fat transfer to the breasts and/or the buttocks is a well established procedure and is performed quite frequently by many plastic surgeons. Young adults are typically the ones requesting these types of procedures and are typically the best candidates. Best of Luck Dr Harrell