American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
4 years ago

Facial mole removal

I am a 55 years old post menopausal female with multiple hair-growing facial moles ranging in sizes from 1/8 to 1/2 inch. I would like them removed without scarring or facial discoloration, distortions, and I do not believe a regular dermatologist should perform the procedure. Who should evaluate me? A cosmetic surgeon or a plastic surgeon?

Thank you.

Procedure: Cosmetic Surgery
Location: glendora, CA

Replies 8

Aaron Stone
ASPS Surgeon

The good thing is these are mostly benign moles. Whether or not there is scarring depends on how deep these moles are. Moles that are mostly superficial can be shaved off and the root frozen or lasered to prevent recurrence. As long as damage to the dermis is minimized the scarring should be minimal. A plastic surgeon or dermatologist should be able to help you.

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Debra Johnson
ASPS Surgeon

You cannot remove lesions from the skin without creating some kind of scar. The way you scar depends on your skin color (more darkly pigmented people tend to get some browning of their scars) and your genetics (do other people in your family make poor scars?). Shaving off lesions tends to leave a circular scar, while surgically excising them leaves a line scar. Plastic Surgeons are known to be the best surgeons for removal of these lesions, but even we are unable to perform "scarless" surgery.

Jon Harrell
ASPS Surgeon

A number of surgical disciplines would be able to address your concerns. However there is no way to guarantee the appearance of the skin after removal of the moles. A possibility is to remove just one of the moles in a less conspicuous area to determine how well it heals. Best of Luck Dr Harrell

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Curtis Wong
ASPS Surgeon

Scarring is inevitable to some degree but great scarring will be hard to appreciate at conversation distance. With hair, must get the follicle out and that usually means cutting through the dermis into the fat. If you have hair removal lasers that work, you could go that way first and then shave them off but recurrences are very possible. I would suggest you have a couple removed by your surgeons preferred way and then see if you can accept the scarring on the rest of your face. I prefer circular excisions and purse-string closures myself.

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Edward Domanskis

If you do not want a scar, even small one, then I would probably recommend removal with an NDYAG laserr but would have to evaluate it first.

Dr. Edward Jonas Domanskis is Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Newport Beach, San Francisco,Miami, EU, Anguilla

Assistant Clinical Professor of SurgeryWOS-Plastic,University of California (Irvine)

Orange County’s Physician of Excellence/America’s Top Physicians/Top Doctors

Plastic Surgery- 2005-2018

President,American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons

Organoderm Skin care/ScaRxTape

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your question. Best to see a plastic surgeon in consultation, especially as the moles are on your face. Although scarring can not be totally avoided, in many cases they can be made inconspicuous.

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Tania Medina
ASPS Int. Surgeon

Hello dear and thank you for your question. The best thing to do in your case is get evaluated first, moles are skin lesions, there are very good dermatologists that can help you. The scars are inevitable, it will depend on several things, like the tone of your skin, your genetics, and even the technique to be use, and that depends on how deep the moles are.

Sara Dickie
ASPS Surgeon
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A lot of great suggestions here. I would only add that moles that grow hair tend to be deeper as the hair follicle is usually located at the deeper layer of the dermis and sometimes below the skin. Shaving or laser for these may improve them initially, but they often grow back.

Definitely recommend consulting face to face with a Plastic Surgeon who has experience with mole removal on the face. "cosmetic surgeons" can be any type of doctor, there is not a specific training regimen or accredited board certification for them.

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