I am concerned. After having a Upper Bleph a year ago found a wonderful Plastic Surgeon who gave me my first BOTOX on my forehead. . Now my Plastic Surgeons practice is using a Nurse Injector. What are P.S. thoughts on Nurse Injectors. My next is injection will be very important-My daughter's wedding. I always thought it is better to see a board certified Plastic Surgeon or Dermatologist.
Yes, I believe surgeon injectors are better than any RN injector but there are some very well trained RN's who can do it well and if they adhere to strict protocols and stay away from your upper lid muscles, your outcome should be a good one. I am assuming this nurse injector was well trained by the surgeon who employs her since she is a direct reflection of his practice.
Like Dr. Wong, surgeons have very extensive training in all aspects of facial anatomy and aesthetics and are more experienced injectors. Simply tell the office you would like the surgeon to do your injections if you have already had a good experience. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding.
I would recommend you call the office and let them know your concerns and ask that your surgeon preform your next injection for you. You may also ask to meet the nurse injector at that visit. Likely the RN is well trained, but since she/he has not treated you before the technique, dosage and placement of the Botox may be different than your surgeon. Different isn't necessarily bad, but given the stakes of this treatment, best not take the chance.
I do believe it best to have the surgeon or physician provide your injections.
Hello dear and thank you for your question. You could get in contact with them to request the service directly from the surgeon. Having any a procedure with board certified plastic surgeon it's definitely the best for you.
If you feel more comfortable with your surgeon performing your injection, by all means, do so--just tell the front desk people who you want to see. I will say that we have a very experienced nurse injector in our practice. She receives rave reviews from our patients and has a busy injection practice. She is well trained and exercises good judgement which keep her patients safe, happy and returning with other patients as well.
For me, Botox is simply one of the methods we use to improve the skin and face. It must be used considering all the other factors impacting the area. Therefore, I believe it is always best to have the physician who understands all these factors do the injections, or, at least, evaluate you first and carefully direct what is done.
Not every surgeon is a conscientious injector and many nurse injectors are quite talented. In my own practice I prefer to perform all injections but typically in offices where the surgeon has delegated this treatment the nurses will be well trained and experienced. In this special instance your surgeon will likely honor your request to have him/her perform the treatment. Best of Luck Dr Harrell